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What To Expect 


Great to hear that you are interested in our healing services! We offer package options that are tailored to your specific health needs. To ensure that we provide you with the best possible program, we require all clients to complete GI Map Testing and Food Sensitivity Testing. Depending on needs and symptoms, Comprehensive Blood Lab Testing may be needed. These labs and tests are critical in tailoring a health program that is specific to your needs. The information obtained with "functional" lab testing is necessary for precise objective goal accomplishments.


* Initial Consultation $300.00 - Once an application has been submitted an initial consultation can be booked. This is a separate cost from the package. During this time of 1.5 hours, we will comprehensively comb through your client history intake forms, dietary journal, questions, personal goals, program/tests offered and the ordering of functional tests that will meet your needs. 


1. Test to Identify Imbalances

Before first appointment, every client will have completed a GI MAP Stool Test, MRT Food Sensitivity test, Comprehensive Blood Chemistry Labs, and DUTCH Adrenal Test to be reviewed together.


​* Testing will be conducted first, to discern the imbalances of the body. Here at Love Thy Body Wellness         we test, we do not guess! Every body is unique and we believe in giving every client a personalized,               tailored and individual protocol to fit their needs to ensure their path to success! 


​​ 2. Target Imbalances 

 Upon return of your test results, we will schedule an hour appointment to comprehensively comb                 through the findings and put together a protocol that you feel is of excellence to your goals. This                     protocol will be around 3 to 4 months that will span over six months (test, re-test waiting periods).         The protocol will include supplementation recommendations, nutritional guidance, and lifestyle recommendations that are tailored to your bio individuality. Please review the Woman's Wellness Care Package for what is included. 


3. Long Term Wellness

 As the protocol is completed, a recommended plan will be formulated to help you maintain the wellness       and health you desire and deserve for the long haul! We all have the right to thrive and I look forward to helping you get there! 


Supporting Your Success as We Help You Resolve Imbalances:


* Bloating            

* Gas   

* Reflux (GERD) 

* PMS / Missing Periods / Abnormal Cycles 

* Acne

* Thyroid   

* Perimenopause   

* H. Pylori           

* Food Sensitivities   

* Adrenals     

* Liver/Detox   

* Gallbladder                       

* Recovery from Nissen Fundoplication   

* Parasites   

* Metabolic Dysfunction                               

* Blood Glucose Dysregulation 

* Fungal Infections                                       

* Digestive Dysbiosis                       

* Pediatric Gut/Digestive Dysfunction  10+

* Joint Pain                                                     

* Diarrhea/Constipation       

* And so much more...                           

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