Personal Woman Wellness Coaching Package
7 Month Commitment
Recommended for those whose want to dig deeper and look into cardiovascular, thyroid, nutrient deficiencies, liver/gallbladder dysfunctions, possible anemia issues, and immune dysfunction among many more imbalances.
*You may choose to pay up front with a 5% discount ($4,748.10) or payments of $714/month for 7 months ($4,998.00)
​Includes: ​
2 GI-Maps to Access Imbalances & Re-Test
1 Comprehensive Blood Panel to Access Imbalances (CBC, CMP, Full Thyroid Panel, Lipid Panel, Iron Panel, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Cardiovascular and Liver Markers)
1 MRT Food Sensitivity Test to access imbalances
1 - 1 hour Initial appointment to access test finding and go over tailored protocol
1 hour re-test findings and protocol completion plan
Follow-up Calls to provide guidance and support (30 Mins Each/Bi-weekly during protocol)
Nutritional Assistance and Guidance via Patient Portal with 24-hour response
Protocol Tailored Specifically to Your Needs - Customized Dietary, Lifestyle, and Supplemental Recommendations​
*Note: Supplements are not included, but we offer 10% discounts via Full Script (account provided upon booking).
Personal Gut Coaching Package
7 Month Commitment
Recommended for those whose are suffering from GI discomfort, seasonal allergies, skin conditions, headaches, joint aches, PMS, Perimenopause, acid reflux, acne, and so many other unexplained ailments.
*You may choose to pay up front with a 5% discount ($3,797.15) or payments of $571.00/month for 7 month ($3,997.00)
2 GI-MAPS to Access Imbalances & Will Re-Test
1 MRT Food Sensitivity Test to access immune/inflammation imbalances
1 hour appointment to access test findings and go over tailored protocol
Follow-up calls to provide guidance and support (30 Mins Each) / Bi-Weekly
1 Hour Completion appointment to go over re-test findings and end of program plan
Patient Portal Messaging
Specifically Tailored Protocol for Your Needs - Customized Dietary Support, Lifestyle, and Supplementation Recommendations​
*Note: Supplements are not included, but we offer 10% discounts via Fullscript (account provided upon booking).*